What is the game schedule?  How often are the games?

Game schedules will vary depending on the division. Schedules will be released at different times depending on the division and is noted below:

Tee-Ball:  Games will be Saturday mornings starting the 2nd weekend in April. There are typically 9 games and the season typically ends the first weekend of June. Schedule will be released the beginning of March, no later than March 15th.

Peanuts: Games will start April 1st and will go through the beginning of June. Games can be Saturday or Sunday anytime from 8am to 6pm and/or weekdays at 5:30pm. Schedule will be released the beginning of March, no later than March 15th.

Rookies: Games will start April 1st and will go through the beginning of June. Games can be Saturday or Sunday anytime from 8am to 6pm and/or weekdays at 5:30pm. Schedule will be released the beginning of March, no later than March 15th.

Farms:  Games will start April 1st and will go through the beginning of June. Games can be Saturday or Sunday anytime from 8am to 6pm and/or weekdays at 5:30pm. Playoffs are beginning of June and last till mid-June. Schedule will be released the beginning of March, no later than March 15th.

Minors:  Games will start April 1st and will go through the beginning of June. Games can be Saturday or Sunday anytime from 8am to 6pm and/or weekdays at 5:30pm. Playoffs are beginning of June and last till mid-June. Schedule will be released the beginning of March, no later than March 15th.

Majors: Games will start April 1st and will go through the beginning of June. Games will be on Saturdays anytime from 8am to 6pm and also weekdays at 5:30pm. Rain-out games may be made up on Sundays. Playoffs are beginning of June and last till mid-June. Schedule will be released the beginning of March, no later than March 15th.

50/70:  Mark West Little League will be running the 50/70  inter-league division and RVLL will have 2 or 3 teams playing in that inter-league division. We will update this FAQ when we know more about the schedule.

Juniors:  Mark West Little League will be running the Juniors  inter-league division  and RVLL will have 2 or 3 teams playing in that inter-league division. We will update this FAQ when we know more about the schedule.

Senior:  Because a significant amount of players in this division play High School baseball, we do not start the season until after High School baseball is over. The Senior Division started the 3rd week of May and went through mid-June playing typically 3 or 4 games a week. Schedule will be released in May. This is an inter-league division that is run by District 35.

When are practices?  How often do we practice?

The number of practices is dependent on the Division. It is ultimately up to the manager on when and how often a team has practice. Practices are typically once on the weekend and then once during the week at 5:30 pm. The practice schedule will vary once games start. Tee-Ball will have a game on Saturday and one practice during the week.

Practices for RookiesFarmsMinors, and Majors will start mid February. Tee- Ball and Peanuts will start late February. 50/70 will start late February as well. Seniors will start sometime in March.


Player assessments are RVLL's annual evaluation day of players skill sets. This is for players 9 years old and up. (Some 8 year olds) The goal of RVLL's regular season is to create as many equally skilled teams as possible so there is a competitive balance throughout the divisions. Team manager will evaluate each kid on a number of skills performed on assessments day and then draft those players accordingly.

Players who are league age 8, this is a tryout. You may or may not be drafted into the farms division. The assessments day is where players league age 8 can show their skill set and be drafted up into farms. Players 9 and up will be drafted into farms, minors or majors depending on age range.

Player Assessments Format: 

Player assessments consist of the following and usually takes around 15 minutes per group. There could be upwards of 10 groups per age group. However, you want to arrive to assessments 20 to 30 minutes earlier than scheduled time due the large number of kids being assessed.

Skills Tested:

  • (3) Flyballs will be hit to kids in outfield
  • (3) Balls will be thrown into 2nd base
  • (3) Grounders will be hit to 3rd base and then thrown to 1st base
  • (3) Balls will be caught at 1st base
  • (5) Hits off live pitching
  • Drop bat and run to 1st base
  • Assessments are complete

Ideal Equipment Needed for Assessments: 
    • Rubber Cleats or Turf Shoes. Tennis shoes are okay as well.
    • Hat
    • Baseball Pants
    • Glove
    • Bat & Helmet are optional 

When will we know what team we are on?

Tee Ball and Peanuts: Mid February

Rookies, Farms, Minors, Majors: End of January

50/70:  Late February

Senior:  Late March

What do I need to buy in terms of Equipment and Uniform?

The League will provide a jersey and hat.

Players should provide their own:

  • Glove
  • Helmet*
  • Bat*
  • Cleats
  • Pants**
  • Socks**
  • Belt**
  • Protective Cup
  • *There will be team bats and helmets that can be used
  • ** The color of the pants, belt, and socks will be determined by the manager 

Local Sponsors

Rincon Valley Little League League ID: 04053510

P.O. Box 2523 
Santa Rosa, California 95405

Email: [email protected]